Thursday, January 12, 2012

Totes Cray-Cray

Today was very eventful! We began our day with a muy delicioso desayuno, very delicious breakfast, of fresh bread butter and fruit preserves! There was also different kinds of sliced meat but I was content without it.

After breakfast we tried to go to the Museum of Institutions but there was a protest on that street so it was blocked off by the police!!
So instead we went to a Franciscan Monastery, well it used to be a Franciscan Monastery, now it is a museum about the monastery that it once was!

After many many pictures and some amazing translation done by Gisella Shadle we got some lunch. Before this trip I had heard a lot about the Chinese food in Peru, that it was supposed to be the best Chinese food ever. Well let me just tell you, it wasn't Lily Garden but it was real yummz. Also I was told that the place we went to, which was an all you can eat buffet, was not the Chinese that I had been told about even though it was Chinese food! Confusing I know. We also had some Chicha Morada, Purple Corn Drink, which I though was muy delicioso! After we finished eating the buffet food they brought out a special dessert which I did not think was delicioso. It was some kind of fried doughnut with honey to dip it in.

Then we went to the CAAAP to listen to a Priest from Boston who is an anthropologist and works with the indigenous people in the Andes. There was so much more to learn from him about the conversion of the indigenous people and what he had to say was very interesting but we had to leave after a few hours.

We went back to the retreat house where we are staying to have some class time where we discussed the trip thus far and get any questions answered on what is to come. Then it was time for supper. For supper we had Arros con Pollo, which is chicken and rice with a green sauce! Again muy muy delicioso, which I'm sure you can assume most of what we will eat will end in that phrase!

After supper we went to a park where there was a water/light show.
This is the tallest water fountain in the world!:
This is the water show, the screen that this dance of the Swan Lake is being projected onto a screen of water!!:
This is a picture of a couple doing a Highlands dance which is an indigenous culture in Peru!!:
This is a picture of a fountain called the Rainbow Fountain:

Well that's all for now! Tomorrow we are supposed to go to the Seminary so check back in!

Peace, Love, and Jesus
Leah Sedelle Chapman

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