So I haven't written a blog in months. And there is really no food reason for that other than I am lazy. But there is much to write about. I have survived my walk across the country [from LA to DC] through Crossroads Pro-life, and I am about to head into finals week of my sophomore year. I've finally declared my majors as religious studies and music, and I leave in a month and a half for a semester in South Africa. While there I will be studying primarily music, yes it will include African music of course, as well as some religion and theology classes. I cannot wait to go because it will be completely different and I will be completely out of my comfort zone, which I love! Even though this will not be the first time I have traveled out of the country, I went to Honduras for 10 days last spring break for a service trip, it will be completely different. First, I will know nothing of the language there, where as in Honduras I knew at least some Spanish. Second, I will be gone for much more than ten days, I will actually be gone for more than six months. Three, I will be taking classes there, which are constructed very differently than they are in America, and I'm not the best at those so maybe this will be a good thing. =]
With a semester abroad comes many preparations though. My roommates are already looking for my replacement, which is sad but we all knew it was going to come. I have to get medical reports, police reports, and other reports. Africa travels require a lot of vaccines, but I already got most of them when I went to Honduras so that wasn't so bad, I'll just have to take those nasty Malaria pills again! Seriously made me almost gag, and I don't have difficulty swallowing pills, but these are so dry and nasty tasting that I regretted it everyday in Honduras. There are also a lot of rules that I will have to follow while over there. I cannot use ice at all, and when ordering water it have to have bottled water that must either be opened by me or in front of me. And as it should be in any occasion I have to keep an eye on any drink or food that I have, if I leave it I can't go back to it. Just like in America they use date rape drugs and other drugs for many reasons, even as simple as stealing your money. But that's all really just common sense and if you are smart there should be no problem.
Other than that I don't have much to say today. But stay close, I will be using this blog to document my time in South Africa so that everyone back home can hear how it's all going!
God Bless
Peace, Love, and Jesus
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